Extended break for Eid and National Day

Dubai: Public and private schools will remain closed from Dhu Al Hijja 9 to December 3 to mark Eid Al Adha and the National Day, according to a decision issued by Humaid Mohammad Obaid Al Qutami, Minister of Education.

Eid Al Adha which falls on Dhu Al Hijja 10 is expected to fall either on November 27 or 28, depending on sighting the new crescent. The National Day is on December 2

Schools will resume classes on December 6.

The ministry said it was keen to give enough holidays to enable the faculties and students in all the educational districts in the country to observe the 38th National Day in the best possible manner.

The ministry praised the efforts made by educational districts and schools to celebrate the National Day and instill a sense of national identity and enhance the loyalty of the younger generation towards the nation and its leadership.


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