Dubai firm offers cash for old phones

Dubai: Perfectly good phones being dumped into landfill sites can have far longer lives than the world average of 12 to 18 months.

In the UAE this is six to eight months, but now mobile phones will get a second lease of life.

Zonzoo, a mobile phone recycling company and Enviroserve, which operates in Dubai under its brand name Envirofone, is offering ‘cash for phones' to anyone who donates a phone to be recycled.

Many of the metals used to produce mobile phones are becoming scarce, or just too environmentally damaging to recover.


Millions of phones are just lying around and the danger is that many will eventually end up in land fill sites.

Phones that cannot be refurbished, or easily reused, will be stripped down for these components and disposed of accordingly.

The company sells working mobile phones to developing countries.

Zonzoo will pay consumers the value of their phone, and donate two per cent of that to charities Senses and Gulf For Good.

For more information and to check the value of your old phones visit


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