Vehicle registration from any emirate soon

Dubai: Motorists will soon be able to renew their car registration from anywhere in the UAE, irrespective of the origin of registration.

We are working on plans to integrate our system with the federal auth-ority in Abu Dhabi and Dubai Police to offer the new service, enabling motorists to get their vehicle registration renewed from anywhere in the country," Ahmad Hashim Al Behroozian, CEO, licensing agency of the Dubai Roads and Transport Authority (RTA), said.

He added that once the RTA's system is linked by August, it would enable motorists to get their driving licences renewed from any emirate, irrespective of the origin of the documents.

The initiative comes as part of the project's phase two linking data related to driving licences and vehicle registration.

Al Behroozian said that phase one of the integration project, completed last year, has already made it possible to access data related to traffic fines in each emirate.

Al Behroozian said that renewal of Dubai-registered vehicles could be done in Abu Dhabi and vice versa. The same rule would apply to all other emirates too.

"Hundreds of thousands of motorists will benefit from this facility as it will make [it] very convenient for them to renew [the] registration of their cars at the closest available facility," he added.

He advised motorists to use the online vehicle registration service.

Online facility

"[The] registration fac-ility is available online — motorists do not have to go to RTA offices in person for the annual vehicle registration. Motorists just have to take their vehicles for the annual road worthiness tests and then complete the rest of the procedure online. Those who own vehicles up to three years old are exempt from testing.

"They can renew their registration online without taking their vehicles to testing centres," he said.

Al Behroozian reiterated that motorists must renew registrations within one month of their expiry to avoid confiscation of vehicles.

"We have the authority to close the files and confiscate vehicles whose registrations have expired for more than one year," he said.

The move comes as more than 80,000 vehicles with expired registration were found on Dubai roads, posing a danger to road users.


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