Lost your job in the UAE? This licence can help

Know your legal rights in the UAE.

Question1: I am a widow staying with my two children in our own apartment in Dubai. Currently, I am employed. But soon, my company will shut down and hence, I won't have a job and my employment visa will be cancelled. My children are schooling here and in order to complete their crucial academic year, I intend to stay in Dubai for another 1 year and 3 months.
I would like to know what are the options for getting a visa for me and my kids. Are we eligible for an investor licence? If yes, what is the procedure to get one?

Answer:  Pursuant to your queries, you may obtain a residence visa against the property you own in the emirate of Dubai. Property owners who have purchased a property of a minimum value of Dh1 million are entitled to apply for residence visa in the UAE, provided such a property has been completed and handed over to its owner by the developer. Such a visa is valid for two years.
The property owner initially has to approach the Dubai Land Department along with original passport, original title deed, NOC from the developer and copy of current visa page (if any). Based on the letter issued by the Dubai Land Department, you need to thereafter approach the Dubai Police for issuance of certificate of good conduct and later to the Dubai Economic Department along with the relevant documents and apply for an investor licence. Once the investor licence is issued by the Dubai Economic Department, you can approach the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs in Dubai (DNRD) to apply for residence visa in the UAE with aforementioned documents.
Once you obtain your residence visa, you are entitled to apply for residence visa for your children under your sponsorship in the UAE.

Know the law

Those who have purchased a property of a minimum value of Dh1 million are entitled to apply for residence visa in the UAE, provided such a property has been completed and handed over to its owner by the developer.
Ashish Mehta is the founder and Managing Partner of Ashish Mehta & Associates. He is qualified to practise law in Dubai, the United Kingdom, Singapore, and India. Full details of his firm on: www.amalawyers.com. Readers may e-mail their questions to: news@khaleejtimes.com or send them to Legal View, Khaleej Times, PO Box 11243, Dubai.

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